Training with missing data#

Let us load a data set and have a look

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

x_train = pd.read_csv("training_data_input.csv")
y_train = pd.read_csv("training_data_output.csv")

display(pd.concat([x_train, y_train], axis=1))
feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 target_0 target_1 target_2 target_3
0 0.472986 NaN 0.242439 -1.700736 6.465163 1.247767 1.562335 0.563148
1 0.753143 -1.534721 NaN -0.120228 NaN 1.461133 1.682604 -1.078739
2 -0.806982 2.871819 NaN 0.472457 -2.545614 NaN -3.310312 0.749930
3 NaN NaN 1.342356 -0.122150 NaN 1.049569 0.504198 NaN
4 1.012515 -0.913869 -1.029530 1.209796 NaN NaN 1.132657 -0.651620
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 0.078516 -0.837245 1.094795 NaN 3.867749 1.255217 0.865133 NaN
96 0.959965 -1.167800 -0.334090 0.827424 0.544013 2.263673 NaN -0.057245
97 0.865017 -0.855405 0.071817 -1.125955 5.417294 1.349000 1.600092 0.322496
98 -0.206309 0.421580 NaN 1.481052 -3.566368 1.444973 -0.434093 -1.330253
99 0.495926 NaN -0.565377 -0.131805 1.555337 1.582580 0.622529 0.949257

100 rows × 8 columns

We can see that we have a data set with 4 features and 4 targets. There seem to be lots of missing entries in both the features and the targets.

print("missing entries in input data:", "{}%".format(int(np.round(x_train.isna().mean().mean()*100))))
print("missing entries in output data:", "{}%".format(int(np.round(y_train.isna().mean().mean()*100))))
missing entries in input data: 28%
missing entries in output data: 30%

We want to train a linear regression. What can we do about the missing entries?#

Method 1: Mean imputation#

Fill all the missing entries with the mean value of their respective column

x_train_imputed = x_train.fillna(value=x_train.mean())
y_train_imputed = y_train.fillna(value=y_train.mean())

display(pd.concat([x_train_imputed, y_train_imputed], axis=1))
feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 target_0 target_1 target_2 target_3
0 0.472986 -0.071868 0.242439 -1.700736 6.465163 1.247767 1.562335 0.563148
1 0.753143 -1.534721 -0.183861 -0.120228 1.655926 1.461133 1.682604 -1.078739
2 -0.806982 2.871819 -0.183861 0.472457 -2.545614 1.605148 -3.310312 0.749930
3 0.064623 -0.071868 1.342356 -0.122150 1.655926 1.049569 0.504198 -0.312009
4 1.012515 -0.913869 -1.029530 1.209796 1.655926 1.605148 1.132657 -0.651620
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 0.078516 -0.837245 1.094795 -0.093939 3.867749 1.255217 0.865133 -0.312009
96 0.959965 -1.167800 -0.334090 0.827424 0.544013 2.263673 0.136459 -0.057245
97 0.865017 -0.855405 0.071817 -1.125955 5.417294 1.349000 1.600092 0.322496
98 -0.206309 0.421580 -0.183861 1.481052 -3.566368 1.444973 -0.434093 -1.330253
99 0.495926 -0.071868 -0.565377 -0.131805 1.555337 1.582580 0.622529 0.949257

100 rows × 8 columns

and train a regressor with the imputed data

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
imputed_linear_regression = LinearRegression(), y_train_imputed)

Method 2: Deletion#

Remove all examples which are missing entries

joint_dropped = pd.concat([x_train, y_train], axis=1).dropna(how="any")
x_train_dropped = joint_dropped[x_train.columns]
y_train_dropped = joint_dropped[y_train.columns]

display(pd.concat([x_train_dropped, y_train_dropped], axis=1))
feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3 target_0 target_1 target_2 target_3
50 0.507523 -0.618371 0.790793 -0.834405 3.230641 0.885857 0.816932 -0.239825
54 -0.809670 0.500495 -0.193510 -0.664203 0.784997 1.141402 -1.039911 -0.013783
67 -1.556314 -0.693315 1.624609 -0.120666 -2.247848 0.721211 -0.982030 -4.287106
68 -2.348582 0.167257 1.699965 1.168899 -7.552532 0.995456 -3.366157 -5.583932
70 -0.488821 1.632122 -0.401225 1.009360 -3.450892 1.750701 -2.670395 -0.953182
92 -1.160888 -0.579329 0.279841 -0.409602 0.251455 1.572128 -0.305981 -1.609754
97 0.865017 -0.855405 0.071817 -1.125955 5.417294 1.349000 1.600092 0.322496

and train a regressor with the remaining data

dropped_linear_regression = LinearRegression(), y_train_dropped)

Method 3: Bayesian model#

A Bayesian model can just treat the missing entries as unknowns

import halerium.core as hal
from halerium.core.regression import connect_via_regression

g = hal.Graph("g")
with g:
    x = hal.Variable("x", shape=(4,), mean=0, variance=1)
    y = hal.Variable("y", shape=(4,), variance=0.1)
    connect_via_regression("reg", inputs=[x], outputs=[y], order=1)

# run this to show the graph in the online platform

bayesian_train_model = hal.get_posterior_model(g, data={g.x: x_train, g.y: y_train}, method="MAP")
bayesian_post_graph = bayesian_train_model.get_posterior_graph()

The Bayesian model will actually calculate an estimate for each missing entry (or rather a probability distribution)

x_train_bayesian_imputed = bayesian_train_model.get_means(g.x)
x_train_bayesian_imputed = pd.DataFrame(data=x_train_bayesian_imputed, columns=x_train.columns)

from plots import display_side_by_side
display_side_by_side(x_train, x_train_bayesian_imputed)
feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3
0 0.472986 NaN 0.242439 -1.700736
1 0.753143 -1.534721 NaN -0.120228
2 -0.806982 2.871819 NaN 0.472457
3 NaN NaN 1.342356 -0.122150
4 1.012515 -0.913869 -1.029530 1.209796
5 0.501872 0.138846 0.640761 NaN
6 -1.154360 NaN -1.681757 -1.788094
7 -2.218535 -0.647431 NaN -0.039209
8 NaN NaN -0.253904 0.073252
9 -0.997204 -0.713856 NaN -0.677945
10 -0.571881 -0.105862 NaN 0.318665
11 -0.337595 NaN -0.114920 2.241818
12 NaN 0.535136 0.232490 0.867612
13 -1.148213 NaN 1.000943 NaN
14 NaN NaN 0.050523 NaN
15 0.943575 0.357644 -0.083449 0.677806
16 NaN 0.222719 -1.528985 1.029211
17 -1.166259 -1.009562 -0.105268 0.512022
18 1.407728 NaN 1.471234 NaN
19 -0.461395 NaN -0.571817 -0.603299
20 -1.339389 -1.689653 NaN 0.257773
21 1.828821 -1.001002 -2.091691 0.146560
22 -0.466351 NaN NaN -1.259224
23 NaN 0.802630 0.272391 -0.969176
24 0.871968 -1.446359 NaN 0.197921
25 -1.365640 NaN 0.015935 -0.080043
26 -0.250803 -0.565143 NaN -0.782282
27 3.041686 -0.626081 NaN -0.587336
28 NaN 1.232045 0.450889 -0.641410
29 NaN 0.965746 -1.284003 -1.274572
30 1.522842 1.461882 0.037656 -0.246197
31 NaN NaN NaN -1.513087
32 NaN 0.249203 NaN NaN
33 NaN 1.689292 0.177750 0.032006
34 1.933216 -1.062095 -0.732629 0.842741
35 1.076740 NaN -2.619493 0.739046
36 0.667501 NaN NaN 1.407948
37 0.051149 -0.935975 -1.839109 NaN
38 NaN -0.561885 -1.132469 0.274291
39 0.735912 0.434319 -1.120041 0.889095
40 NaN -2.488004 0.595909 -2.035862
41 NaN 1.057642 0.652769 NaN
42 -0.883462 0.345692 NaN 0.410710
43 NaN 0.734148 -0.125496 NaN
44 0.202231 NaN -1.421277 -1.163588
45 NaN 0.050022 0.765430 -0.028515
46 -1.205646 NaN 0.566844 NaN
47 -0.940359 0.283607 -0.390320 -2.154124
48 NaN -0.566221 -0.517709 NaN
49 -0.603695 NaN -0.959012 -1.595297
50 0.507523 -0.618371 0.790793 -0.834405
51 1.309470 -1.238742 NaN 0.696147
52 1.778984 -0.796317 NaN NaN
53 0.789916 NaN -2.184060 -1.567268
54 -0.809670 0.500495 -0.193510 -0.664203
55 NaN -1.658425 NaN NaN
56 1.269859 0.150519 NaN NaN
57 NaN 0.164989 NaN -0.115399
58 NaN NaN 0.475514 2.639046
59 0.691108 1.111236 -0.257684 -1.195951
60 NaN -1.163467 -3.015915 NaN
61 0.331393 -1.072815 NaN -0.085521
62 -0.476624 -0.963715 1.153983 -0.444866
63 NaN -0.474993 -0.791428 -1.693119
64 -0.741163 NaN NaN NaN
65 NaN NaN -0.818418 -0.177300
66 0.032502 NaN NaN 0.210377
67 -1.556314 -0.693315 1.624609 -0.120666
68 -2.348582 0.167257 1.699965 1.168899
69 0.055338 0.217881 NaN -0.158261
70 -0.488821 1.632122 -0.401225 1.009360
71 -1.577518 -0.788323 -1.156447 0.410545
72 -0.633212 -0.650858 -0.925059 0.143164
73 0.975512 -0.599755 0.607099 -0.018603
74 -0.621560 0.346610 1.337491 NaN
75 0.695248 NaN NaN 0.763436
76 0.976937 0.517606 0.249171 1.304453
77 1.116544 NaN 0.662984 -0.904909
78 -0.158939 NaN -0.043852 -0.666356
79 NaN NaN NaN -1.300151
80 -0.511364 -0.692839 NaN 1.682377
81 NaN 0.200962 0.376479 -0.193338
82 -0.536373 NaN -0.405771 NaN
83 NaN NaN 0.331393 NaN
84 0.980989 NaN NaN NaN
85 -0.077496 0.410431 0.275277 0.525207
86 NaN 2.193451 -0.159283 NaN
87 0.168298 1.370530 -0.728801 NaN
88 1.229295 0.779550 0.215736 NaN
89 1.290819 0.455251 -0.571328 -0.465401
90 -0.632571 1.413624 -0.167273 NaN
91 -0.579659 1.121277 0.619558 NaN
92 -1.160888 -0.579329 0.279841 -0.409602
93 NaN 0.020903 -0.576144 -1.103720
94 NaN -0.939964 -0.722252 0.251525
95 0.078516 -0.837245 1.094795 NaN
96 0.959965 -1.167800 -0.334090 0.827424
97 0.865017 -0.855405 0.071817 -1.125955
98 -0.206309 0.421580 NaN 1.481052
99 0.495926 NaN -0.565377 -0.131805
feature_0 feature_1 feature_2 feature_3
0 0.472986 -0.759207 0.242439 -1.700736
1 0.753143 -1.534721 0.360400 -0.120228
2 -0.806982 2.871819 -0.901917 0.472457
3 0.533772 -1.179473 1.342356 -0.122150
4 1.012515 -0.913869 -1.029530 1.209796
5 0.501872 0.138846 0.640761 0.462867
6 -1.154360 0.000016 -1.681757 -1.788094
7 -2.218535 -0.647431 -0.350765 -0.039209
8 0.180386 -0.439187 -0.253904 0.073252
9 -0.997204 -0.713856 0.246540 -0.677945
10 -0.571881 -0.105862 1.447496 0.318665
11 -0.337595 -1.091010 -0.114920 2.241818
12 -2.736205 0.535136 0.232490 0.867612
13 -1.148213 1.240510 1.000943 0.583911
14 -0.133397 -0.819823 0.050523 -0.434769
15 0.943575 0.357644 -0.083449 0.677806
16 0.394197 0.222719 -1.528985 1.029211
17 -1.166259 -1.009562 -0.105268 0.512022
18 1.407728 -1.550861 1.471234 1.608291
19 -0.461395 -0.631948 -0.571817 -0.603299
20 -1.339389 -1.689653 -0.118997 0.257773
21 1.828821 -1.001002 -2.091691 0.146560
22 -0.466351 0.208242 0.408953 -1.259224
23 -0.410407 0.802630 0.272391 -0.969176
24 0.871968 -1.446359 -0.259302 0.197921
25 -1.365640 -1.612685 0.015935 -0.080043
26 -0.250803 -0.565143 -0.917229 -0.782282
27 3.041686 -0.626081 1.193158 -0.587336
28 1.073791 1.232045 0.450889 -0.641410
29 -1.003597 0.965746 -1.284003 -1.274572
30 1.522842 1.461882 0.037656 -0.246197
31 -0.706564 0.145486 -0.472127 -1.513087
32 0.418605 0.249203 -1.133117 -0.512646
33 0.436980 1.689292 0.177750 0.032006
34 1.933216 -1.062095 -0.732629 0.842741
35 1.076740 0.069814 -2.619493 0.739046
36 0.667501 -0.219459 0.635413 1.407948
37 0.051149 -0.935975 -1.839109 -0.060533
38 -0.575251 -0.561885 -1.132469 0.274291
39 0.735912 0.434319 -1.120041 0.889095
40 0.044935 -2.488004 0.595909 -2.035862
41 -0.001871 1.057642 0.652769 0.003109
42 -0.883462 0.345692 -1.679739 0.410710
43 0.109791 0.734148 -0.125496 -0.897293
44 0.202231 -0.035420 -1.421277 -1.163588
45 -1.291495 0.050022 0.765430 -0.028515
46 -1.205646 -0.207500 0.566844 0.835726
47 -0.940359 0.283607 -0.390320 -2.154124
48 -0.443188 -0.566221 -0.517709 0.358158
49 -0.603695 0.184274 -0.959012 -1.595297
50 0.507523 -0.618371 0.790793 -0.834405
51 1.309470 -1.238742 -1.157520 0.696147
52 1.778984 -0.796317 0.926392 1.833046
53 0.789916 -0.119241 -2.184060 -1.567268
54 -0.809670 0.500495 -0.193510 -0.664203
55 0.654011 -1.658425 0.240789 -0.615273
56 1.269859 0.150519 -1.137418 -0.680453
57 -1.376112 0.164989 -1.365167 -0.115399
58 0.894641 0.094943 0.475514 2.639046
59 0.691108 1.111236 -0.257684 -1.195951
60 -0.217195 -1.163467 -3.015915 0.357342
61 0.331393 -1.072815 1.607594 -0.085521
62 -0.476624 -0.963715 1.153983 -0.444866
63 -0.220168 -0.474993 -0.791428 -1.693119
64 -0.741163 -0.666493 0.601783 -1.320586
65 0.498025 -0.692433 -0.818418 -0.177300
66 0.032502 -0.380547 0.508512 0.210377
67 -1.556314 -0.693315 1.624609 -0.120666
68 -2.348582 0.167257 1.699965 1.168899
69 0.055338 0.217881 0.491295 -0.158261
70 -0.488821 1.632122 -0.401225 1.009360
71 -1.577518 -0.788323 -1.156447 0.410545
72 -0.633212 -0.650858 -0.925059 0.143164
73 0.975512 -0.599755 0.607099 -0.018603
74 -0.621560 0.346610 1.337491 -2.588218
75 0.695248 0.598883 0.739468 0.763436
76 0.976937 0.517606 0.249171 1.304453
77 1.116544 0.133607 0.662984 -0.904909
78 -0.158939 0.230231 -0.043852 -0.666356
79 1.125959 0.713062 0.539098 -1.300151
80 -0.511364 -0.692839 -0.747252 1.682377
81 2.397169 0.200962 0.376479 -0.193338
82 -0.536373 1.193916 -0.405771 -1.085892
83 0.728069 -0.042654 0.331393 0.364764
84 0.980989 0.735467 0.519223 0.578556
85 -0.077496 0.410431 0.275277 0.525207
86 -0.014028 2.193451 -0.159283 0.273037
87 0.168298 1.370530 -0.728801 -1.226624
88 1.229295 0.779550 0.215736 -0.646722
89 1.290819 0.455251 -0.571328 -0.465401
90 -0.632571 1.413624 -0.167273 -1.041896
91 -0.579659 1.121277 0.619558 -0.399106
92 -1.160888 -0.579329 0.279841 -0.409602
93 -0.364879 0.020903 -0.576144 -1.103720
94 -0.851016 -0.939964 -0.722252 0.251525
95 0.078516 -0.837245 1.094795 -1.177459
96 0.959965 -1.167800 -0.334090 0.827424
97 0.865017 -0.855405 0.071817 -1.125955
98 -0.206309 0.421580 -0.704793 1.481052
99 0.495926 0.324680 -0.565377 -0.131805

Compare the performance on test data#

x_test = pd.read_csv("testing_data_input.csv").values
y_test = pd.read_csv("testing_data_output.csv").values

imputed_prediction = imputed_linear_regression.predict(x_test)

dropped_prediction = dropped_linear_regression.predict(x_test)

bayesian_prediction_model = hal.get_generative_model(bayesian_post_graph, data={g.x: x_test})
bayesian_prediction = bayesian_prediction_model.get_means(g.y)
import pylab as pl

pl.figure(figsize=(12, 12))

dark_erium_green = '#00b34a'
erium_blue = '#002a43'

ax = pl.subplot(2,2,1)
ax.scatter(y_test[:,0], imputed_prediction[:,0], color='#00b34a')
ax.plot([np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], [np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], ls=":", color="k")
ax.set_xlabel("real output value")
ax.set_ylabel("predicted output value")
ax.set_title("training with imputed data")

ax = pl.subplot(2,2,2)
ax.scatter(y_test[:,0], dropped_prediction[:,0], color='#00b34a')
ax.plot([np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], [np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], ls=":", color="k")
ax.set_xlabel("real output value")
ax.set_ylabel("predicted output value")
ax.set_title("training with missing rows dropped")

ax = pl.subplot(2,1,2)
ax.scatter(y_test[:,0], bayesian_prediction[:,0], color='#00b34a')
ax.plot([np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], [np.min(y_test[:,0]),np.max(y_test[:,0])], ls=":", color="k")
ax.set_xlabel("real output value")
ax.set_ylabel("predicted output value")
ax.set_title("Bayesian model")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Bayesian model')

As you can see, Bayesian models offer interesting advantages when dealing with missing data. Missing data often occur in industrial environments, e.g. when a sensor output could not be recorded or the output was corrupted.

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